Randwick High School

Learning Today, Leading Tomorrow

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Smiling teacher holding a beaker with two students standing next to him.

Science develops student's knowledge and skills in making sense of and explaining the biological , physical and technological world, enabling them to make informed choices and responsible decisions as individuals and as part of community.

Course description Stage 4 and 5 - Years 7-10

Science is of increasing importance and integral to our rapidly changing world. A student’s sense of wonder and curiosity about the natural and made world is fostered through actively engaging in the processes of Working Scientifically. Through questioning and seeking solutions to problems, students develop an understanding of the relationships between science and technology, and the significance of their contribution to and influence on society. 

Scientific inquiry is a distinct way of finding answers to interesting questions and solutions to important problems about the natural world locally, nationally and globally, including shaping sustainable futures. Students will use scientific evidence to make informed decisions about the uses of science and technology in their lives as they become more scientifically literate citizens.

Course description Marine and Aquaculture Technology Stage 5 - Years 9 and 10

Marine and Aquaculture Technology in Years 9–10 is a content endorsed course that fits into an emerging field of study relating to sustainability of marine and related environments. It provides both practical and theoretical learning, honing students’ acquired skills to solve real-life problems using the example of marine and related environments. The study of Marine and Aquaculture Technology provides an opportunity for the future custodians of this environment to study it and to appreciate its value. It gives them the opportunity to develop the necessary knowledge and skills to use and protect its unique ecosystems, and at the same time communicate their appreciation to the community. It provides an opportunity to instil in students an acceptable ethical code towards the use of the marine environment, increasingly demanded by the community and governments.

Course descriptions Stage 6 - Years 11 and 12


The Biology Stage 6 Syllabus explores the diversity of life from a molecular to a biological systems level. The course examines the interactions between living things and the environments in which they live. It explores the application of biology and its significance in finding solutions to health and sustainability issues in a changing world. Biology focuses on developing problem-solving and critical thinking skills in order to understand and support the natural environment. Students are provided with opportunities to design and conduct biological investigations both individually and collaboratively.

The Biology course builds on the knowledge and skills of the study of living things found in the Science Stage 5 course. The course maintains a practical emphasis in the delivery of the course content and engages with the technologies that assist in investigating current and future biological applications. The course provides the foundation knowledge and skills required to study biology after completing school, and supports participation in a range of careers in biology and related interdisciplinary industries.


The Chemistry Stage 6 Syllabus explores the structure, composition and reactions of and between all elements, compounds and mixtures that exist in the Universe. The discovery and synthesis of new compounds, the monitoring of elements and compounds in the environment, and an understanding of industrial processes and their applications to life processes are central to human progress and our ability to develop future industries and sustainability. The course focuses on the exploration of models, understanding of theories and laws, and examination of the interconnectedness between seemingly dissimilar phenomena. Chemistry involves using differing scales, specialised representations, explanations, predictions and creativity, especially in the development and pursuit of new materials. It requires students to use their imagination to visualise the dynamic, minuscule world of atoms in order to gain a better understanding of how chemicals interact.

The Chemistry course builds on students’ knowledge and skills developed in the Science Stage 5 course and provides the foundation knowledge and skills required to study chemistry after completing school. Stage 6 Chemistry supports participation in a range of careers in chemistry and related interdisciplinary industries.

Earth and Environmental Science

The Earth and Environmental Science Stage 6 Syllabus explores the Earth’s renewable and non- renewable resources and also environmental issues. An understanding of the Earth’s resources and the ability to live sustainably on the planet is a central purpose of the study of Earth and Environmental Science. Students also undertake practical and secondary-sourced investigations to acquire a deeper understanding of the Earth’s features and naturally occurring phenomena and cycles. Fieldwork is an integral part of these investigation processes.

The Earth and Environmental Science course builds on the knowledge and skills of Earth and Space gained in the Science Stage 5 course. The course maintains a practical emphasis in the delivery of the course content, and engages with technologies that assist in developing earth and environmental science applications. The course provides the foundation knowledge and skills required to study earth and environmental science after completing school and supports participation in careers in a range of related industries.


The Physics Stage 6 Syllabus involves the study of matter and its motion through space and time, along with related concepts that include energy and force. Physics deals with the study of phenomena on scales of space and time – from nuclear particles and their interactions up to the size and age of the Universe. This allows students to better understand the physical world and how it works, appreciate the uniqueness of the Universe, and participate in navigating and influencing the future. The problem-solving nature of physics focuses on the exploration of models and the analysis of theories and laws, which promotes an understanding of the connectedness of seemingly dissimilar phenomena.

The Physics course builds on students’ knowledge and skills developed in the Science Stage 5 course and help them develop a greater understanding of physics as a foundation for undertaking post- school studies in a wide range of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fields.

The study of physics provides the foundation knowledge and skills required to support participation in a range of careers.

Investigating Science

The Investigating Science Stage 6 Syllabus is designed to assist students of all abilities engage with scientific processes, and apply those processes to investigate relevant personal, community and global scientific issues. The course promotes active inquiry and explores key concepts, models and phenomena. It draws and builds on the knowledge, understanding, skills, values and attitudes gained in Science Stage 5. The Stage 6 course is designed to enhance students’ understanding of the value of evidence-based investigations and the use of science-based inquiry in their lives.

The Investigating Science course is designed to complement the study of the science disciplines by providing additional opportunities for students to investigate and develop an understanding of scientific concepts, their current and future uses, and their impacts on science and society.

Investigating Science encourages the development of a range of capabilities and capacities that enhance a student’s ability to participate in all aspects of community life and within a fast-changing technological landscape. The knowledge, understanding and skills gained from this course are foundation for further studies and participation in current and emerging STEM-related post-school activities and industries.

Extension Science

The Science Extension Stage 6 Syllabus focuses on the nature, development and processes of science. The course requires students to engage with complex concepts and theories and to critically evaluate new ideas, discoveries and contemporary scientific research. Students are challenged to examine a scientific research question influenced by their study of one or more of the scientific disciplines. In doing this, students extend their knowledge of the discipline(s), conduct further analysis and authentic scientific investigations, and uniquely for this course, produce a detailed scientific research report that reflects the standards generally required for publication in a scientific journal. Through designing and conducting their own scientific research, students deepen and build upon their understanding of analysing and interpreting data. Students gather, examine, model and critically assess evidence that is informed by analysis of primary and secondary-sourced data and examining this data in relation to relevant publicly available data sets.

Science Extension is designed for students with an interest in scientific research. The course lays a foundation for students planning to pursue further study in Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics (STEM) based courses offered at the tertiary level, and to engage in new and emerging industries.