Randwick High School

Learning Today, Leading Tomorrow

Telephone02 9314 9800



The study of mathematics is mandatory from Kindergarten to Year 10. 

By studying mathematics, students learn to work mathematically – developing fluency, understanding, problem-solving, reasoning and communication skills.

The syllabus consists of the following strands:

  • number and algebra
  • measurement and geometry
  • statistics and probability.

In Year 11 and 12, the study of mathematics is optional. Courses offered include:

  • Mathematics Extension 2 (Year 12 only)
  • Mathematics Extension 1
  • Mathematics Advanced
  • Mathematics Standard 2
  • Mathematics Standard 1 (Optional HSC examination)
  • Mathematics Life Skills.

Mathematics is a mandatory course that is studied in each of Years 7–10 with at least 400 hours to be completed by the end of Year 10. 

Course description

Mathematics is used to identify, describe and apply patterns and relationships. It provides a precise means of communication and is a powerful tool for solving problems both within and beyond mathematics. In addition to its practical applications, the study of mathematics is a valuable pursuit in its own right, providing opportunities for originality, challenge and leisure.

Stage 4 - Year 7 and 8

Our Year 7 classes are developed by the analysis of Primary School results including the UNSW Gifted and Talented testing, with the top classes classified as Enrichment classes. Year 8 classes are graded.

Stage 5 - Year 9 and 10

There are three sub-stages of Stage 5, Stages 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3:

  • Stage 5.1 is designed to assist in meeting the needs of students who are continuing to work towards the achievement of Stage 4 outcomes when they enter Year 9.

  • Stage 5.2 builds on the content of Stage 5.1 and is designed to assist in meeting the needs of students who have achieved Stage 4 outcomes by the end of Year 8. Achieving 5.2 Outcomes is recommended as minimum preparation for Stage 6 Mathematics Standard and mathematical understandings that are applicable to a range of VET courses.

  • Stage 5.3 builds on the content of Stage 5.2 and is designed to assist in meeting the needs of students who have achieved Stage 4 outcomes before the end of Year 8. Achieving 5.3 Outcomes is recommended as minimum preparation for Stage 6 Mathematics Advanced.

Stage 6 - Year 11 and 12

Mathematics Standard

Mathematics Advanced

Mathematics Extension 1

Mathematics Extension 2